Get the full story through
the power of technology

Verifact provides software solutions for:

  • Circular Economy Initiatives
  • Food and product safety and the reduction of waste
  • Renewable energy

Our solutions support the decarbonisation of your business,

verification of sustainability claims, business efficiency and ESG reporting.

Let us help you join the dots
What we do

Verifact provides software solutions that our Clients use to implement circular economy, sustainability and food safety programmes.

Verifact’s solutions underpin our Clients initiatives and gather accurate, verifiable data for use in areas such as carbon footprint assessment to support carbon insetting* ESG reporting and product differentiation.

* Carbon insetting is used by businesses to reduce their emissions and carbon footprint within their own business and their supply chain.

Case Studies

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Our Products
Verifact360 logo

Verifact 360

The Verifact360 software platform is focused on Circular Economy initiatives. Items at the end of supply chains, for example returnable transport items or packaging, are disposed of when they could be reused or repurposed generating further value. Our software facilitates this process, while providing independent validation of the data for carbon insetting and ESG reporting.

SCS logo

Supplier Compliance System

This data privacy compliant online system is made available by businesses to their suppliers to:

  • Register supplier information.
  • Adopt sustainability plans and policies.
  • Adopt labour policies.
  • Monitor progress under continuous improvement programs across suppliers.
Verifact logo


This solution can be used in multiple sectors to support, for example, food safety, product safety and renewable energy validation.

The benefits include:

  • Protection of the brand.
  • Reducing recalls and product withdrawals.
  • Informing business decisions and vision around suppliers.
  • Saving money and resources.
  • Supporting Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting.
Our Partners
Our Awards

Cork Emerging Company of the Year Awards 2019

The award is for companies that are innovative and have a unique selling point. Blending cutting-edge technology with two decades of expertise in all parts of the supply chain, Verifact (formerly Verifish) has positioned itself as a frontrunner in championing sustainability, food safety and product safety.

Verifact specialises in digitalisation within supply chains. High quality data is used to underpin business decisions and introduce efficiencies while making our food safer to consume and products safer to use. Verifact assists its clients to identify digitalisation opportunities in their supply chain to deliver these goals while also implementing and reporting on sustainability plans.

The company also works with clients to tell their product stories on products or packaging, for example, relating to provenance and sustainability where this provides value to Verifact clients.

Cork Emerging Company Award 2019
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Contact us to learn more about how Verifact can benefit your business.